Saturday 6 October 2012

The rise of tablets and smartphones will he kill the computer?

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The PC is not dead yet, but it is no longer the king of the technological world, a victim of competition from mobile devices booming as multimedia phones and tablet computers.
PC "is no longer the center of the computing universe," said Roger Kay, an analyst at Endpoint Technologies Associates.
Hewlett-Packard can attest. The world's leading manufacturer of computer is going through a very difficult already undergoing restructuring, it announced Thursday that it redressed not bar the next year, which has plunged its action to its lowest level in ten years. Although this is not the only cause of his problems, he faces for a while already, as its major competitor Dell, a decline in demand for its PCs.
Another symbol, Microsoft, which has built its reputation on software for PC in 2009 and was still the largest technology company in the world by market capitalization. It points from this week in third place, behind Google, which has just exceeded, and Apple.
Coincidentally, the two flagship products group at Apple, iPhone and iPad, belong to two product lines with the highest technology on the rise today, smartphones and tablets.
According to a study published this week by the Pew Research Institute, 31% of Americans have a phone capable of accessing the internet using this device primarily for surfing, to the detriment of other devices such as desktop or laptop. An accelerating trend in the United States and around the world.
Another research institute IHS iSuppli has estimated that worldwide sales of tablets could reach 126.6 million units this year, an increase of 56% compared to 2011. And several studies consider that a few years exceed those laptops.
For the analyst Rob Enderle, of the consulting firm Enderle Group, however, it is premature to speak already of the death of PC.
"People keep their PC, but also the renewed more quickly. They supplement it with shelves. People can not afford to buy two devices at once, and many are also required to renew their smartphone," said he.
Roger Kay also saw the emergence of such complementary approach, where "people will opt for a variety of devices, all connected by the Internet."
Computer sales in 2012 should register their second consecutive year of growth below 2% to 367 million units, according to research firm IDC.
IDC believes that consumers are reluctant to buy a PC because of the gloomy economic conditions, because they are considering buying other devices such as tablets and smartphones, and also because they are waiting to see what will look like Windows 8.
For some analysts, the release of the new version of Microsoft's operating system, scheduled for October 26, and the launch of a series of new PCs designed to take full advantage perhaps give a boost to the market computers.
But others are more pessimistic. "Windows 8 is the latest effort from Microsoft to start," notes and E. Werner Reschke, society Wrinkledog consultants, who fears not to see "nothing fantastically new and compelling to offer to the market."
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